Saturday, January 17, 2009

Lone Star State of Mind

Well the band is in Arlington, TX this weekend and it's great. We went from -10 in Nebraska to about 50 or 60 here in Arlington. It's grrrreat.

They have a cool piece of art hanging on the wall of the church here in Arlington. I thought it was worth posting.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Same old New Year

Sorry for the lack of updates. I haven’t had much I wanted to write about lately so I figured I’d spend the time reading to generate some new ideas. It worked!

A New Year has dawned since I last posted an entry and I have made a few resolutions. Nothing too extreme this year, I want to eat better, get in shape, save a good deal of money, and I want to read just as many books in 2009 as I did in 2008, you know, the usual.

To get a jump start on the reading resolution, I’ve already come close to finishing my first book of the year, “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu. My brother gave it to me for Christmas and I’m really enjoying it. Beyond inspiring this post, the book has stirred me to explore a fascination I’ve had since I was a little kid; inventing a board game. I’ll write more on that later, but for now, here is something I found interesting.

In a section about how to weaken the enemy, the following was written:

“Entice away the enemy’s best and wisest men, so that he may be left without counselors. Introduce traitors into his country, that the government policy may be rendered futile. Foment intrigue and deceit, and thus sow dissension between the ruler and his ministers. By means of every artful contrivance, cause deterioration amongst his men and waste of his treasure. Corrupt his morals by insidious gifts leading him into excess. Disturb and unsettle his mind by presenting him with lovely women.” – Chang Yu – excerpt from “The Art of War”

When I read this passage, all I could think about was the United States, and how it seems increasingly obvious that Satan is setting us up for defeat using these tactics.

Most notably:

“Entice away the enemy’s best and wisest men, so that he may be left without counselors.”

Bernard Madoff and Kenneth Lay are the first that come to mind. There are plenty more, but you already get the point.

“By means of every artful contrivance, cause deterioration amongst his men and waste of his treasure.”

Noting the enormous number of dead-beat dads, it’s easy to see our manhood has been deteriorated, and considering the current recession, I would venture to say we have not been very wise with our treasure.

“Corrupt his morals by insidious gifts leading him into excess.”

“Excess”- more than or above what is necessary, usual, or specified. - That doesn’t describe the United States at all now does it?

“Disturb and unsettle his mind by presenting him with lovely women.”

The Sexual Revolution of the 60s and 70s, though often praised, is easily to blame for the spread of AIDS throughout the world, millions of abortions, and the aforementioned slew of dead beat dads and single welfare mothers.

Hot buttons I know, but you'll get over it.